SyNergy_Mat Lab

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Oskar PARIS

Oskar Paris received his PhD in Physics from the University of Vienna in 1996 and his teaching qualification (Habilitation) in Materials Physics from the Montanuniversität Leoben in 2003. He was a postdoc at the ETH Zurich (1996-1998), a University assistant at the Montanuniversität Leoben (1998-2003), and a research group leader at the Max-Planck-Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam (2003-2009). Since 2009 he is a full Professor of Physics at the Montanuniversität Leoben in Austria. His scientific interests are on the structure - properties relationships of functional nanomaterials, including nanoporous materials, nanoparticles and hierarchical biological- and biomimetic systems. Current research focusses on nanoporous carbons for energy storage, and more generally on fluid-solid interactions in spatial confinement. He is an internationally recognized expert for in-situ nanostructure characterization using (synchrotron radiation) X-ray and neutron scattering. Oskar Paris has co-authored about 170 peer-reviewed publications (H-index 50), he was an editorial board member of Nature Scientific Reports, and he served numerous scientific boards and committees. Academic positions include the Dean of Studies (2017-2022) and the Vice-Dean of Studies (2011-2017) at the Montanuniversität Leoben.



SyNergy_Mat Lab/ members


NESY '24 Young Scientist Award

12th European NESY Winterschool and Symposium on Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation
  including topical highlight lectures on  

Crystallographic Methods,
 The 1st Austrian Crystallography Days ACD' 24
   Feb 25th to Mar 1st 2022 in Bad Aussee, Austria

Faraday Discussion – Water at Interfaces, London, UK

From September 20th to 22nd, Malina Seyffertitz participated in the Water at Interfaces Faraday Discussion, which was organized by the Royal Society of Chemistry in London, UK.

During this event, Malina Seyffertitz presented her recent publication “Are SAXS and SANS suitable to extract information on the role of water for electric-double-layer formation at the carbon–aqueous-electrolyte interface?”. As customary at Faraday Discussions, the presentation was followed by an engaging and in-depth question-and-answer session, which led to a productive and insightful discussion. The publication and the parts of the ensuing discussion can be accessed under:

New PhD graduate at the Chair of Physics

On August 31 2023, Taha Honaramooz completed his journey as a PhD student at the SynErgy_Mat Lab within the Chair of Physics by successfully defending his thesis "Dispersoids Formation and Distribution in AA7050 Aluminum Ingot”. Taha's PhD project was supervised by Prof. Oskar Paris (Chair of Physics) and mentored by Prof. Stefan Pogatscher (Chair of Nonferrous Metallurgy) in collaboration with industrial partners.
We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Taha on his outstanding achievement and wish him every success for the future and his new role as a Project Manager for Aluminium at Constantia Flexible.

Gordon Research Conference on Chemistry and Physics of Liquids in Holderness, New Hampshire (USA)

From July 29th to August 4th, Malina Seyffertitz took part in the Gordon Research Seminar and Conference ( held in Holderness, New Hampshire (USA). During this event, she shared her latest research findings on "Investigating Aqueous Electrolytes in Nanoconfinement at Charged Interfaces Using In-Situ Small Angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS) and Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS)" through a poster presentation. The conference served as a valuable forum for scientific discourse and the interchange of ideas, fostering opportunities for potential future collaborations.

NaNaX 10 '23

Rainer T. Lechner presented his results on x-ray characterisation of colloidal nanocrystals with a talk and a poster at the international conference NaNaX 10-Nanoscience with Nanocrystals. This traditional bi-annual conference brought international experts from all over the world to ISTA in Klosterneuburg from July 3-7, 2023.

Nova Rock Festival

Max Rauscher, Sebastian Stock, and Malina Seyffertitz from the Chair of Physics recently participated in the "Montanuniversität Wissens-Line-Up" at Nova Rock Festival from 07.06.-10.06.2023. Together with other scientists and PhD students from Monanuniversität Leoben, they showcased their research interests in an unconventional setting, exploring new ways for science communication and outreach. This unique approach of information transfer was met with enthusiasm from both festival-goers and our researchers, affirming the resounding message that "Science rocks! ? " For more information, visit:

The Condensed Matter Physics and Chemistry (CMPC) workshop, Hamburg

The Condensed Matter Physics and Chemistry (CMPC) workshop features talks from invited speakers in each session and is a research association bringing together different communities working in the field of nanomaterials using X-ray scattering techniques. Malina Seyffertitz was invited to deliver a talk about her recent research on "In-situ small angle X-ray and neutron scattering from the working electrode in electric double layer capacitors" at this years CMPC workshop, which was held in Hamburg, Germany, from May 22 to May 23, 2023.

Best Student Talk Award to Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Stock

Sebastian Stock, PhD student at the Department of Physics, received the award for the best student talk at the symposium "Neutron Scattering Enabled Energy Materials Design" at the 50th MRS Spring Meeting and Exhibit in San Francisco. In the award-winning talk, Sebastian Stock presented his research results on "In Situ Small Angle Neutron Scattering Study of Hydrogen Physisorption in Nanoporous Carbons". His work demonstrates the potential of neutron scattering techniques in the study of hydrogen physisorption in nanoporous carbon materials. The in-situ measurements of hydrogen physisorption at the atomic level help to better understand the behavior of hydrogen in nanopores and improve the performance and efficiency of hydrogen storage.


Role of water for ion electrosorption at charged interfaces

Beamtime at the D22 instrument at the Institut Laue-Langevin ILL in Grenoble, France.

Malina Seyffertitz (main proposer) and Sebastian Stock conducted in-situ small angle neutron scattering experiments to explore the role of water for ion electrosorption at charged interfaces (March 2023)