
DI Simon Leitner
In my PhD research, I focus on understanding and utilizing the properties of micas, talc, and other phyllosilicates to be used in 2D devices, specifically as gate dielectrics. These devices mainly rely on expensive and rare materials like hexagonal boron nitride as of now, which makes a substitution by earth-abundant minerals like talc inviting. Further, I want to enhance the device characteristics by carefully tailoring the properties of the used materials. To be able to do just that, I need to understand the structure-property relationships in phyllosilicates, which I aim to do using scanning probe techniques, electron microprobe, Raman, and electrical characterization.
- 2023: Doctoral studies, Montanuniversität Leoben
- 2020-2023: MSc studies in Materials Science, Montanuniversität Leoben
- 2015-2020: BSc studies in Materials Science, Montanuniversität Leoben
- 2007-2015: High School BRG Spittal/Drau
Scientific work
MSc thesis at imec (Leuven, BE): “Nanoimprint lithography patterning for perovskite-based lasers”
- Experimental methods: spin coating, PL, ICP-RIE, ellipsometry, AFM
BSc thesis at ESI (Leoben, AT): “Structural analysis of oxide thin films”
- Experimental methods: TEM, EDX, EBSD, TKD
Other experiences:
- Micro-4-point-probe