
DI Max Valentin Rauscher

My PhD research focuses on the use of electric double layer capacitors for the desalination of brackish and sea water. Such devices reduce the salt concentration by electrical adsorption of ions on a large surface are (e.g. activated carbons). I will investigate this so-called capacitive deionization with various advanced characterization techniques, mainly including in-operando small-angle x-ray scattering in combination with electrochemical characterization. The goal of my research is to enhance the knowledge of the ion transport and adsorption mechanism and processes for such purification devices during a continuous liquid flow.



  • 01/2023 to date:
  • Doctoral Studies at the Chair of Physics at Montanuniversitaet Leoben, Austria.
  • Working title of the PhD thesis “Application of Electric Double Layer Capacitors for Capacitive Deionisation”.
  • 10/2017-12/2022:
  • Bachelor and Masters Studies in Materials Science at Montanuniversitaet Leoben, Austria.
  • Master thesis at the the Chair of Physics on ‘In-situ SAXS investigation of the evolution
  • of hierarchical porosity of a soft carbon precursor during heat treatment’
  • 2008-2016:
  • Realgymnasium Kollegium Kalksburg, Wien, Austria
NESY '24 Young Scientist Award
2nd Symposium on Hydrogen and Carbon

The 2nd Symposium on Hydrogen and Carbon (H2-C), organized by Robert Obernaus-Emler (Resources Innovation Center) and the Rectorate of the Montanuniversität Leoben within the frame of the Strategic Core Research Area (SCoReA+) Hydrogen & Carbon, took place on July 10th – 11th at CCD of Voestalpine Donawitz in Leoben. Sebastain Stock delivered a talk, while Max Rauscher and Malina Seyffertitz presented their findings through posters to an audience of approximately 100 participants from Montanuniversität Leoben as well as industrial partners such as Voestalpine, RAG and OMV.

Nova Rock Festival

Max Rauscher, Sebastian Stock, and Malina Seyffertitz from the Chair of Physics recently participated in the "Montanuniversität Wissens-Line-Up" at Nova Rock Festival from 07.06.-10.06.2023. Together with other scientists and PhD students from Monanuniversität Leoben, they showcased their research interests in an unconventional setting, exploring new ways for science communication and outreach. This unique approach of information transfer was met with enthusiasm from both festival-goers and our researchers, affirming the resounding message that "Science rocks! ? " For more information, visit:

Last December Max Rauscher won the cartoon challenge at the OEPG Conference 2022 in Leoben.

The prize was a honorary mug (which was also gifted to Nobel Prize Winner Anton Zeilinger at the OEPG Conference 2022)  and was presented to Max at the Christmas party of the Chair of Physics by the new OEPG president Christian Teichert and Malina Seyffertitz as a representative of the Young Minds division of the OEPG (see image on the left).