The Flatlands Beyond Graphene conference took place in Wroclaw, Poland, from September 9-13, 2024, providing a dynamic platform for scientists to exchange latest exciting developments on the theoretical modelling and experimental progress in the field of layered materials beyond graphene. Key topics included breakthroughs in material synthesis, characterization techniques, theoretical modeling, and practical applications in electronics, and energy storage.
The 2D_Mat_Lab group contributed through presentations by Muhammad Zubair Khan and Simon Leitner, focusing on the imaging of magnetic domains in phyllosilicates and their dielectric properties.
NESY Winterschool 2024
Hosted in the picturesque town of Bad Aussee, the 12th NESY Winterschool took place from 25th of February to 1st of March, 2024, after being on Covid-related hiatus since 2019. Organized by Dr. Lechner from the Chair of Physics at MUL, it presented a valuable opportunity to expand knowledge about the usage of synchrotron and neutron radiation sources, and to exchange insights with the Austrian user communities.
Keynote lectures by internationally acclaimed scientists like C. Detlefs (ESRF, Grenoble), T. Grüne (Univ. Vienna), T.C. Hansen (ILL, Grenoble), R. Treusch (FLASH, DESY Hamburg) and H.-G. Steinrück (FZ Jülich) were the highlights of the symposium, while tutorials by experienced users from local universities and contributed talks by participants of the school made for a comprehensive program.
In the afternoons, some free time was allocated to leisure activities, which was used by participants for skiing, exploring the town or socializing around the pool billiard table.
Our group attended with M. Zubair Khan and Simon Leitner, who each presented a poster at the session taking place in the evenings.
We want to thank Rainer Lechner and Nadine Aichberger for organizing such a successful winter school, and giving so many young scientists the opportunity to enter deeper into the reciprocal space opened up by scattering methods.
Rainer T. Lechner presented his results on x-ray characterisation of colloidal nanocrystals with a talk and a poster at the international conference NaNaX 10-Nanoscience with Nanocrystals. This traditional bi-annual conference brought international experts from all over the world to ISTA in Klosterneuburg from July 3-7, 2023.

Graphene Week 2023, hosted by the Graphene Flagship, took place in Gothenburg, Sweden, from 04 - 08 September, 2023. The mission of the Graphene Flagship is to unite both academic and industrial researchers with the goal of transitioning graphene from academic laboratories into society. This endeavor aims to foster economic expansion, create fresh employment opportunities, and open up novel prospects. In addition, the 2D-Experimental Pilot Line project is working within the Graphene Flagship, to establish an ecosystem for integrated 2D materials in the semiconductor industry. The ultimate goal is to harness these materials for applications as CMOS readout integrated sensors, Hall sensors, photodetctors and GFETs based bio/chemical sensors.
The 2nd Symposium on Hydrogen and Carbon (H2-C), organized by Robert Obernaus-Emler (Resources Innovation Center) and the Rectorate of the Montanuniversität Leoben within the frame of the Strategic Core Research Area (SCoReA+) Hydrogen & Carbon, took place on July 10th – 11th at CCD of Voestalpine Donawitz in Leoben. Sebastain Stock delivered a talk, while Max Rauscher and Malina Seyffertitz presented their findings through posters to an audience of approximately 100 participants from Montanuniversität Leoben as well as industrial partners such as Voestalpine, RAG and OMV.

From July 29th to August 4th, Malina Seyffertitz took part in the Gordon Research Seminar and Conference ( held in Holderness, New Hampshire (USA). During this event, she shared her latest research findings on "Investigating Aqueous Electrolytes in Nanoconfinement at Charged Interfaces Using In-Situ Small Angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS) and Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS)" through a poster presentation. The conference served as a valuable forum for scientific discourse and the interchange of ideas, fostering opportunities for potential future collaborations.

The ‘’ Focused Ion Technology for Nanomaterials -"FIT4NANO’’ workshop occurred in Lisbon, Portugal between July 17th and 19th 2023 with primary objective of establishing a platform to enable new applications of Focused Ion Beam (FIB) techniques in structuring functional materials at nanoscale. MSc Zubair Khan presented a talk on the topic of "Engineering magnetism in two-dimensional phyllosilicates via ion implantation".2D_Mat_Lab

Best Poster Prize Award by the Royal Society of Chemistry @the Flatlands for Simon Leitner (far right)
2D Mat_Lab