Quan Shen

Quan Shen
Durchwahl: 4664
Academic Career
seit 06/2009Doktorand bei Prof. Teichert im Rahmen eines FWF-Projekts2003 - 2009Studium der Werkstoffwissenschaft an der Montanuniversität Leoben1999 - 2002Studium der Werkstoffwissenschaft an der technischen Universität Shanghai
Friction Force Microscopy characterization of organic thin films
G. Hlawacek, Q. Shen, C. Teichert, R. Resel, and D. M. Smilgies
Controlling molecular orientation of OMBE grown 6P thin films on mica (001)
Surface science 601, 2584 (2007)
A. Lex, P. Pacher, O. Werzer, A. Track, Q. Shen, R. Schennach, G. Koller, G. Hlawacek, E. Zojer, R. Resel, M. Ramsey, C. Terchert, W. Kern, and G. Trimmel
Synthesis of a Photosensitive Thiocyanate-Functionalized Trialkoxysilane and Its Application in Patterned Surface Modifications
Chemistry of materials 20, 2009 (2008)
G. Hlawacek, Q. Shen, C. Teichert, A. Lex, G. Trimmel, and W. Kern
Hierarchy of adhesion forces in patterns of photoreactive surface layers
Journal of chemical physics 130, 044703 (2009)
T. Hoefler, A. Track, P. Pacher, Q. Shen, H. Flesch, A. Lex, G. Hlawacek, G. Koller, M. Ramsey, R. Schennach, R. Resel, E. Zojer, C. Teichert, W. Kern, G. Trimmel, and T. Griesser
Photoreactive molecular layers containing aryl ester units: preparation, UV patterning and post-exposure modification
Vortrag oder Präsentation
P. Pacher, A. Lex, V. Proschek, G. Hlawacek, Q. Shen, C. Teichert, A. Satka, J. Kovac, O. Werzer, S. Temmel, P. Frank, R. Resel, R. Schennach, A. Winkler, C. Slugovc, G. Trimmel, and E. Zojer, Reactive gate oxide modification for organic thin film transistors. - in: ÖPG Jahrestagung 2006 Graz. Graz am: 20.09.2006
Q. Shen, G. Hlawacek, C. Teichert, A. Lex, C. Slugovc, G. Trimmel, P. Pacher, V. Proschek, and E. Zojer, Morphologic characterization of organosilane self-assembled monolayers on SiO2. - in: NFN Meeting Admont. Admont am: 27.09.2006
P. Pacher, A. Lex, V. Proschek, O. Werzer, P. Frank, S. Temmel, E. Tchernychova, M. Sezen, G. Hlawacek, Q. Shen, C. Teichert, W. Grogger, R. Resel, R. Schennach, A. Winkler, C. Slugovc, G. Trimmel, and E. Zojer, Thin reactive layers for ammonia detection with organic thin film transistors. – in: Winterschool on organic electronics Planneralm. Planneralm am: 27.01.2007
P. Pacher, Q. Shen, G. Hlawacek, and C. Teichert, Ammonia sensing organic thin film transistor. - in: DPG Frühjahrstagung Regensburg. Regensburg am: 26.03.2007
Q. Shen, G. Hlawacek, C. Teichert, A. Lex, and G. Trimmel, Friction Force Measurements on structured SAMs. - in: NFN Meeting Graz. Graz am: 24.04.2007
Q. Shen, G. Hlawacek, C. Teichert, A. Lex, G. Trimmel, and W. Kern, Chemical sensitivity on patterned organic thin films by FFM. - in: NFN Meeting Eisenerz. Eisenerz am: 19.09.2007
A. Lex, Q. Shen, G. Hlawacek, and C. Teichert, Chemically and photochemically reactive siloxane layers for modification of inorganic surfaces. - in: Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society. Boston am: 26.11.2007
A. Lex, P. Pacher, S. Temmel, Q. Shen, G. Hlawacek, O. Werzer, A. Track, V. Proschek, R. Schennach, G. Koller, M. G. Ramsey, C. Teichert, R. Resel, A. Winkler, E. Zojer, W. Kern, and G. Trimmel, Investigation of chemical and photochemical reactive siloxane thin layers for surface modification. - in: Winterschool on organic electronics Planneralm. Planneralm am: 26.01.2008
G. Hlawacek, Q. Shen, N. Gürkan, A. Lex, W. Kern, and C. Teichert, FFM on photo sensitive films. - in: NFN monthly Meeting Leoben. Leoben am: 19.02.2008
Q. Shen, N. Gürkan, G. Hlawacek, C. Teichert, A. Lex, G. Trimmel, and W.Kern, Hierarchy of adhesion forces in patterns of photoreactive surface layers. - in: DPG Frühjahrstagung Dresden. Dresden am: 25.03.2009
T. Griesser, T. Höfler, Q. Shen, G. Hlawacek, A. Track, J. Adams, R. Schennach, G. Koller, M. G. Ramsey, and C. Teichert, Photolithographis patterning of self assembled monolayers via the photo-fries rearrangement. - in: ÖPG Jahrestagung 2008 Leoben. Leoben am: 23.09.2008
Q. Shen, G. Hlawacek, C. Teichert, A. Lex, C. Slugovc, G. Trimmel, P. Pacher, V. Proschek, and E. Zojer, Morphologic characterization of organosilane self-assembled monolayers on SiO2. - in: ÖPG Jahrestagung 2006 Graz. Graz am: 20.09.2006
Q. Shen, N. Gürkan, G. Hlawacek, C. Teichert, A. Lex, G. Trimmel, W. Kern, P. Pacher, and E. Zojer, Morphologic characterization of organosilane self-assembled monolayers and thin layers on SiO2. - in: Winterschool on organic electronics Planneralm. Planneralm am: 27.01.2007
A. Lex, P. Pacher, R. Schennach, Q. Shen, G. Hlawacek, C. Teichert, O. Werzer, R. Resel, E. Zojer, W. Kern, and G. Trimmel, New photosensitive silane molecule for photochemical patterning of thin layers. – in: Winterschool on organic electronics Planneralm. Planneralm am: 27.01.2007
P. Pacher, A. Lex, V. Proscheck, O. Werzer, P. Frank, S. Temmel, E. Tchernychova, M. Sezen, G. Hlawacek, Q. Shen, C. Teichert, W. Grogger, R. Resel, R. Schenach, A. Winkler, C. Slugovc, G. Trimmel, and E. Zojer, Using organic Thin Film Transistors with thin reactive layers for Ammonia Detection. - in: Nano and Photonics Mauterndorf. Mauterndorf am: 14.03.2007
A. Lex, P. Pacher, R. Schenach, Q. Shen, G. Hlawacek, A. Track, G. Koller, M. G. Ramsey, C. Teichert, O. Werzer, R. Resel, E. Zojer, W. Kern, and G. Trimmel, Thin Layers of Photosensitive Silane Molecules for Photochemical Patterning. - in: EMRS 2007 spring meeting Strasbourg. Strasbourg am: 28.05.2007
Q. Shen, G. Hlawacek, C. Teichert, A. Lex, G. Trimmel, and W. Kern, Friction force imaging of chemical differences in photosensitive ultrathin layers. - in: ÖPG Jahrestagung 2007 Krems. Krems am: 25.09.2007
Q. Shen, G. Hlawacek, C. Teichert, A. Lex, G. Trimmel, and W. Kern, Chemical sensitivity on patterned organic thin films by FFM. - in: EMRS 2008 spring meeting Strasbourg. Strasbourg am: 26.05.2008
Q. Shen, G. Hlawacek, N. Gürkan, C. Teichert, A. Lex, G. Trimmel, and W. Kern, Patterned photosensitive ultrathin films: combining friction force microscopy and contact angle measurements. - in: ÖPG Jahrestagung 2008 Leoben. Leoben am: 23.09.2008