Christian Prehal
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Durchwahl: 4624
Personal information
Date and place of birth: 14.3.88, Radstadt, Austria
Academic Career
Since 05/2014 PhD Thesis at Institute of Physics, Montanuniversitaet Leoben, Austria 04/2013 –03/2014Diploma Thesis “In-situ SAXS study on the ion dynamics in microporous carbon based supercapacitors” at Institute of Physics, Montanuniversitaet Leoben, Austria10/2008 –03/2014Study of Materials Science at Montanuniversitaet Leoben, Austria01/2012 –07/2012 Study abroad in the field Materials Science and Engineering NTNU Trondheim, Norway
- ÖPG Studierenden-Preis for the best master thesis in the field of experimental physics
- Rektor-Platzer-Ring of the Montanuniversitaet Leoben for extraordinary study accomplishments
- Leistungsstipendium of the Montanuniversitaet Leoben
Research Interests
- Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) on nanoporous systems
- In-situ scattering techniques applied on in-operando supercapacitor cells
- Ion transport and ion structure in confined geometry
- Electrosorption related phenomena in nanoporous carbons (e.g. electrode swelling)
- Energy materials in general
Selected Talks & Publications
- Paper: C. Prehal, C. Koczwara, N. Jäckel, H. Amenitsch, V. Presser, O. Paris, A carbon nanopore model to quantify structure and kinetics of ion electrosorption with in situ small angle X-ray scattering, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys 2017, 19, 15549.
- Paper: C. Prehal, C. Koczwara, N. Jäckel, A. Schreiber, M. Burian, H. Amenitsch, M. A. Hartmann, V. Presser, O. Paris, Quantification of ion confinement and desolvation in nanoporous carbon supercapacitors with modelling and in situ X-ray scattering, Nature Energy 2017, 2, 16215.
- Paper: C. Prehal, D. Weingarth, E. Perre, R.T. Lechner, H. Amenitsch, O. Paris and V. Presser, Tracking the structural arrangement of ions in carbon supercapacitor nanopores using in situ small-angle X-ray scattering, Energy & Environmental Science, 2015, 8, 1725-1735.
- Talk: C. Prehal, D. Weingarth, M. Burian, H. Amenitsch, R. T. Lechner, V. Presser and O. Paris, Ion transport in nanoporous carbon supercapacitors tracked by in-situ X-ray methods, ISTP 2015, Leoben Austria 09/2015.
- Talk: C. Prehal, M. Burian, H. Amenitsch, R. T. Lechner, V. Presser and O. Paris, In-situ SAXS and X-ray transmission as complementary tools to study ion electrosorption in charged nanoconfinement, SAS 2015, Berlin Germany 09/2015.
- Talk: C. Prehal, D. Weingarth, R. T. Lechner, H. Amenitsch, V. Presser and O. Paris, Tracking the global and local ion re-arrangement in carbon nanopores using in-situ X-ray methods, CARBON 2015, Dresden Germany 07/2015.
- Talk: C. Prehal, D. Weingarth, E. Perre, R. T. Lechner, H. Amenitsch, V. Presser and O. Paris, In-situ SAXS/WAXS as a Novel Method to Study Ion Transport in Nanoporous Systems at the Symposium on “Ion Dynamics in Confined Systems”, University of Cambridge 07/2014
- Talk: C. Prehal, D. Weingarth, E. Perre, R. T. Lechner, H. Amenitsch, V. Presser and O. Paris, Ion transport phenomena in confined geometry studied by in-situ X-ray methods at ÖPG Jahrestagung 2014, Pöllau, Austria