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PhysioNanoAkt: Hierarchically structured porous sensor- and actuator systems for medical applications
The project aims at investigating the controlled and reversible switching of nanoporous
micro- bending bars in physiological solutions. It includes the bottom-up chemical
synthesis of nanoporous films, their top-down structuring by means of deep X-ray
lithography, and the demonstration of their function in combination with a fluid chamber
attached to an atomic force microscope. The sensitivity of the fundamental actuation
mechanism shall be tested in vitro for medically relevant physiological parameters
(e.g. protein concentration).
The project is funded by the human technology interface (HTI) initiative of the Styrian
federal government and is a collaboration between the Montanuniversität Leoben
(Institute of Physics;, the Austrian Academy of
Sciences (Institute for Biophysics and Nanosystems Research, SAXS outstation @
Sincrotrone ELETTRA,Trieste, Italy;, and the Medical
University of Graz (Laura Bassi Center for Bioresorbable Implants of Children, The appointment is foreseen for 18
months with places of work in Leoben and Trieste.